Bass Lake
What is it about Bass Lake that we all love? Once you visit it, you will always return.
It draws you like a strong magnet.
Every season at Bass Lake has something beautiful to offer. Summer fun on the lake and warm balmy evenings with magnificent sunsets is one of my favorite times. Then, the beauty of Fall arrives with magnificent colors as the leaves change. Who doesn’t get excited when the first snowflakes fall? It brings the kid out in me, that’s for sure! And just when we’ve had enough of the cold stuff, here comes Spring with poppies and other wildflowers covering our roads and hillsides as our lake fills from the melting snow.
It was after living in Bass Lake and making wonderful new friends to hike and explore the mountains with, I decided to take up Photography to capture the beauty that we live in and near. Anywhere you look, you can find something worthy of a photo! Now I share my love of our surroundings through social media. You can find me on Facebook as Janet Martinez Photography, Instagram as Janet Martinez Photography or my website, janetmartinezphotography@zenfolio.com.
